February 16, 12:24 am
Farm Animals

Barnyard Description

Our beloved barnyard animals are almost as well-known as our cider donuts. These critters are here for a number of reasons, chiefly for your enjoyment. Some have jobs to do like the chickens and pigs, and some are just for cuteness!. From time to time we acquire a senior citizen from another farm or as a rescue and they go on to live out their days here basking in the attention of thousands of new admirers. We have had quite a menagerie over the years, even peacocks and potbellied pigs. Our animals nowadays are what you might consider the classic barnyard animals, nothing exotic or fancy, just happy to see you.
We request that you NOT bring food from home to share with our animals. Breads, cookies, crackers, and the like are terrible for their tummies, not to mention their manners. You may pet any of the animals within reach, but please keep in mind this is at your own risk. Pay attention to the signals the animals are sending you- your attention may be unwanted. If you sense they are getting frisky or annoyed, just leave them alone and let them go their way. Always monitor children closely and do not let them play alone near the animals or display cruelty or disrespect.

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