October 22, 12:15 am
Farm Animals

Who's Who
Chickens and Ducks: Roosters & Hens flock together in several areas around the barnyard and the pasture. They spend their time pecking the ground and playing chase. The eggs from these hens are splendid! Several varieties of ducks call the pond here home, including Indian Runners and Muscovies.
Goats: Our insanely cute 5 baby goats now romp and play with their adopted mom Rosie who is actively teaching them all the naughty tricks they can get up to in the barnyard.
Geese: Two regal older ladies now reign over the entire farm. Watch your behind if these tall and fearless barnyard denizens are nesting!
Guinea Fowl: Easily the most attention-grabbing members of our barnyard friends. These noisy little critters travel all over the place in a huddle in search of food - like insects, even ticks! - and are known to raise a racket.
Pigs: "Little Lulu" holds court in her pigpen and comes running when her name is called. She loves to scratch her wide backside on the fence and take leisurely mudbaths in the sun. Her best friend is Leroy, a cute but rascally pot-bellied pig. Please keep your hands away from the pigs - they cannot see the difference between your fingers and the food in your fingers. Best to keep your hands away at all times.
Donkeys: Daisy the red miniature donkey and her foal Gingergold (Ginger for short) came to us in June 2015, and they have created quite a stir ever since! This mama and baby pair love to be scratched and adored. They romp and play with each other and with other animals from the moment they wake up. Keep your hands and fingers away from their mouths at all times.

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