February 15, 11:44 pm


Apple Blueberry   A delicious blend of our Baldwin Apple and Wild Blueberry wines; an easygoing "red" for lasagna or burgers.
Awards: SILVER, International Eastern Wine Competition 2017, 2019; SILVER, Harvest Challenge 2018; BRONZE, Eastern States Exposition 2023

Apricot   Springtime delicacy! The evocative aroma of apricot nectar is sumptuous yet delicate. Goes very well with a cheese course.
Awards: SILVER/Massachusetts Fruit Winery of the Year, NY International Wine Competition; SILVER, International Eastern Wine Competition 2020; SILVER, International Women's Wine Competition 2020, 2021; BRONZE Eastern States Exposition 2021; SILVER Harvest Challenge 2022

Baldwin Apple   Tart apple flavor with an exciting taste; similar to a Sauvignon Blanc.
Awards: SILVER, Harvest Challenge 2018; BRONZE, International East Meets West 2022

Black Currant   A distinctive fruity nose and strong currant flavor, excellent for mulled wine. Try with honey and cinnamon sticks and serve with creme brulée.
Awards: BRONZE, Eastern States Exposition 2011

Blackberry   Tastes like summer in a bottle. The essence of blackberry delights the nose and tongue. Try with carrot cake or fruity dessert.
Awards: SILVER, Harvest Challenge 2020, 2022; BRONZE, Eastern States Exposition 2014; BRONZE, New Orleans International Wine Awards 2019; BRONZE, International Eastern Wine Competition 2024

Blackberry Apple   Light and well balanced, a perfect combination of the two fruits. Pairs well with steaks, or any grilled food.
Awards: SILVER, Harvest Challenge 2018; BRONZE, International Women's Wine Competition 2022; BRONZE, Atlantic Seaboard Wine Competition 2022

Dry Blueberry   One of our flagship wines, this bold Cabernet- style wine is made with wild Maine blueberries and aged in French oak for up to four years.
Awards: SILVER, Santé International Wine & Spirits Awards, 2021; SILVER, Eastern States Exposition 2015; SILVER, Indy International Wine Competition 2013

Wild Blueberry   Rich, full-bodied, slightly sweet and smooth, with a subtle blueberry finish.
Awards: GOLD/Best in Massachusetts, Eastern States Exposition 2018; SILVER, Harvest Challenge, 2021; SILVER, Wine Channel TV Awards 2014; SILVER, Drink Outside the Grape Wine Competition 2017; Silver, International Women's Wine Competition 2023

'Beyond the Blue' Sparkling Blueberry Wine   With the essence of Wild Blueberry, these bubbles are barely contained in the bottle! For blue ribbon celebrations and special occasions. Made in small batches with the traditional Méthode Champenoise.

Cherry   A dry dinner wine with notes of almond. Complements bold dishes like spicy sausage or roasted leg of lamb.
Awards: GOLD, International East Meets West 2020; SILVER, International Women's Wine Competition 2018

Dandelion   A real down home "country wine" that goes down with surprising smoothness. Boasts a unique flavor and a warming touch reminiscent of whiskey.
Awards: BRONZE, Eastern States Exposition 2014; BRONZE, Indy International Wine Competition 2013

Elderberry   This complex, earthy wine with a lingering berry flavor has developed quite a following for those lucky enough to secure a bottle every year.
Awards: SILVER, NY International Wine Competition 2024; SILVER, Grand Harvest Awards 2015

Fruit Wine Blend   Specially blended fruit wine varietals make up this unique flavorful wine. Perfect for whipping up the best - and easiest! - Sangria this side of the Rio Grande.

Heirloom Apple   Naturally spicy and succulent, this apple wine is great with cheddar, or even dessert. Like a creamy, unoaked Chardonnay.
Awards: SILVER, Indy International 2017; SILVER, Harvest Challenge 2017; SILVER, Eastern States Exposition 2018; SILVER, New Orleans International Wine Awards 2019; Bronze, International Women's Wine Competition 2023; PLATINUM, Great American Wine Competition, 2023

Honey Lavender   This special and unique addition to our lineup is an apple wine infused with our own lavender and sweetened with honey. The addition of the lavender lends a hoppy tang which appeals to adventurous beer lovers.
Awards: GOLD/Massachusetts Fruit Winery of the Year, NY International Wine Competition 2024; SILVER, International Eastern Wine Competition 2024

Jostaberry   This berry is a cross between a gooseberry and a black currant. The wine has a young, smoky, tart taste with notes of black pepper and goes well in a Cosmopolitan.
Awards: BRONZE, New Orleans International Wine Awards 2018; BRONZE, Harvest Challenge 2019

Lilac   Made from the blossoms from our antique lilacs in front of our 1800's farmhouse. Floral and delicate, similar to a chenin blanc. Try with madeleines or buttery cookies.
Awards: SILVER, Santé International Wine & Spirits Awards, 2021; SILVER, International Women's Wine Competition 2019; BRONZE, NY International Wine Competition 2022

Peach   Fragrant peach bouquet; complements a creamy dessert, and appeals to Moscato drinkers.
Awards: SILVER, Atlantic Seaboard Wine Association, 2021; SILVER, East Coast Wine Competition 2011; SILVER, New Orleans International Wine Awards 2019; BRONZE Eastern States Exposition 2021

Sparkling Peach   The delicate nose and flirty fruit essence lends itself beautifully to our growing sparkling offerings, made in the traditional Méthode Champenoise.

Pear   Crisp, light, and dry with round, floral notes. Goes very well with salads and roast chicken.
Awards: SILVER, International East Meets West 2017; SILVER/Massachusetts Fruit Winery of the Year, NY International Wine Competition 2023; SILVER, Eastern States Exposition 2024

Perry   A slightly sweet hard pear drink reminiscent of simpler times.
Awards: GOLD, Raise A Glass Foundation Great American Cider Competition 2022; SILVER/Best in Massachusetts, Eastern States Exposition Gold Cider Competition 2017; SILVER, Eastern States Exposition Gold Cider Cider Competition 2016

Pink Lady   A semi-sweet apple wine made exclusively with the beautiful Pink Lady apple, boasts a rush of apple flavor and is similar to a Pinot Grigio. Bottled in a special blue glass bottle for festive occasions and celebrations.
Awards: SILVER, International Eastern Wine Competition 2021; GOLD, Eastern States Exposition Gold Wine Competition 2013 BRONZE, International Women's Wine Competition 2015

Sparkling Pink Lady   Made in the traditional Méthode Champenoise with our beautiful Pink Lady apples, this special sparkler is a delight for festive occasions and celebrations.
Awards: BRONZE, Drink Outside the Grape Wine Competition 2018

Plum   This distinct variety can either be yellow or purple depending on the crop. Subtle plum flavor with notes of citrus, candy, and honey. Serve with Asian cuisine or try with a rich dessert.
Awards: BRONZE, Eastern States Exposition 2013, 2021, 2023

Pumpkin Spice   Made with real pumpkins and carefully aged on whole spices, this seasonal treat is a best seller! Makes a killer cocktail when blended with our hot cider.
Awards: DOUBLE GOLD/BEST OF CLASS, International Women's Wine Competition, 2021; BRONZE, Harvest Challenge 2020

Raspberry   Rich fruity nose and flavor, this wine is slightly sweet and tart; pair with chocolate for a magical experience!
Awards: SILVER, International Eastern Wine Competition 2015; SILVER, Eastern States Exposition 2018

Sparkling Raspberry   Another addition to our sparkling line-up, this traditionally made Méthode Champenoise sparkling wine is a lustrous gem colored and fruity specialty.

Raspberry Peach   A combination of our Peach and Raspberry that appeals to rosé drinkers. Great with a cheese plate or dessert.
Awards: SILVER, International Women's Wine Competition 2017, 2021; SILVER, Drink Outside the Grape 2018; BRONZE, International East Meets West 2022; Bronze, International Women's Wine Competition 2023

Red Currant   Very fruit-forward and bold. Tart with a clean, strong currant taste. Great for the holidays.
Awards: BRONZE Eastern States Exposition 2021

Rhubarb   A slightly sweet sipping wine made from an old farm recipe. Similar to a Chenin Blanc, serve chilled with a picnic!
Awards: SILVER, Bennington Rhubarb Festival 2024; BRONZE, Eastern States Exposition 2014, 2021

Strawberry   Fruity nose, sweet on the tongue with a semi-dry, smoky finish. Excellent with a soft cheese, hors d'oeuvres, or dessert.
Awards: GOLD, Atlantic Seaboard Wine Association, 2021; SILVER Eastern States Exposition 2021; SILVER, Indy International 2019; SILVER, International Women's Wine Competition, 2019; BRONZE, International East Meets West 2022

Strawberry Lilac   New in 2023! Fruity, jammy strawberry bouquet with a delicately floral finish. Fairly sweet; try pairing with either a light dessert or even a bold bleu cheese!
Awards: BRONZE, Atlantic Seaboard Wine Association 2023

Strawberry Rhubarb   A terrifically balanced blend of the two wines makes this a favorite as a picnic wine or with a cheese course. Like a strawberry rhubarb pie in a bottle!
Awards: SILVER, Eastern States Exposition 2019; SILVER, International Women's Wine Competition 2019; SILVER/MASSACHUSETTS FRUIT WINERY OF THE YEAR, NY International Wine Competition 2022

J's Ice Cider   A very sweet ice cider, frozen and fermented to sinful deliciousness!
Awards: SILVER/Massachusetts Ice Cider Producer of the Year, New York International Cider Competition 2022; GOLD, American CiderCraft Awards 2021; DOUBLE GOLD, International Eastern Wine Competition 2019; SILVER, International Women's Wine Competition 2020; SILVER, Eastern States Exposition Gold Cider Competition 2016, 2017, 2018; SILVER, Drink Outside the Grape 2018; SILVER, Wine Channel TV Awards 2014; GOLD/Best in MA/Best Reserve Cider Eastern States Exposition 2024; SILVER, Atlantic Seaboard Wine Competition, 2022

Max's Dry Hard Cider   A traditional dry New England cider. Dry and light with a smart apple flavor. A true and clean taste for the cider aficionado.
Awards: BRONZE, Santé International Wine & Spirits Awards, 2021; SILVER, Great Lakes International 2011; SILVER, Eastern States Exposition 2018, 2019, 2021

Middle Ridge Hard Cider   A very popular slightly sweet hard cider; easy to drink; similar to a good European cider.
Awards: SILVER, NY International Cider Competition 2024; SILVER, Raise A Glass Foundation Great American Cider Competition 2022; SILVER/BEST IN MASSACHUSETTS, Eastern States Exposition 2016; SILVER, Harvest Challenge, 2021; BRONZE Eastern States Exposition 2021

Sparkling Hard Cider   Award-winning dry sparkling hard cider made in the traditional Méthode Champenoise.
Awards: BRONZE, Indy International Wine Competition 2016

Raspberry Rosé Cider   Our take on a summer rosé is a light and refeshing blend of slightly sweet hard cider and tart raspberry.
Awards: SILVER Eastern States Exposition 2021; SILVER, International Women's Wine Competition 2020; SILVER, Harvest Challenge 2019; BRONZE, Eastern States Exposition 2023; SILVER/MASSACHUSETTS FRUIT CIDER PRODUCER OF THE YEAR, NY International Wine Competition 2023

Sweetheart Hard Cider   Delicious with notes of cinnamon and spice; share with your sweetheart by the fire.
Awards: GOLD/Modern Cider Producer of the Year, NY International Cider Competition 2024; GOLD, International Eastern Wine Competition 2019, SILVER, International Women's Wine Competition 2016; SILVER, Eastern States Exposition 2016, 2017, 2021

Cider/Perry   An appealing blend of our slightly sweet hard cider and our unique Perry.
Awards: GOLD/BEST IN MASSACHUSETTS, Eastern States Exposition 2019; SILVER, Atlantic Seaboard Wine Association, 2021; SILVER, International Women's Wine Competition 2016; BRONZE Eastern States Exposition 2021


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